Monday, May 16, 2011

Over load the system with dis-information.. call the other side crazy

Poking fun at the continued scrutiny of President Obama's recently released birth record, a San Diego entertainment and events website published a satirical piece that had high school students discovering evidence that the Hawaii document is a forgery.

High Tech High International is a real school in San Diego – and it was one of three finalists in a contest to receive a commencement address from President Obama, as the article states – but students there did not conduct an investigation titled "Say It Ain't So: An Inquiry into the Validity of 'President' Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate."

The article has been circulated widely on the Internet.

A staffer at the charter high school, who asked not to be identified and referred WND to the dean, said there was no student at the school named Christina Rivera, as the article states.

She said, however, that one of the names in the article fits a student at High Tech High, Rishika Daryanani.

But the article, posted under the heading "Almost Factual News," bears the marks of satire, concluding with Daryanani, the commencement ceremony chair, saying: "Thanks to these two jerkfaces, now we have to disinvite America's first black president and maybe get him kicked out of office, too. Thanks a lot, guys. Maybe we can get Donald Trump to fill in."

The dean of students, Melissa Agudelo, did not respond to WND's request for comment.

High Tech High entered a contest held by the White House to promote the president's goal of securing the highest proportion of college graduates worldwide by 2020. In the Race to the Top Commencement Challenge, students were invited to submit essays and videos that demonstrated how their campus prepares them for college and careers.

The San Diego school was one of six finalists selected by the White House, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. High Tech High made the final three in a vote of the public. Obama selected the winner, Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis, where he is scheduled to give the commencement address Monday.

"I'm so proud of the schools that participated in this year's commencement challenge," Obama said in a statement issued Tuesday, and I want to thank all of them for their hard work and dedication."

The San Diego Reporter piece, with a Walter Mencken byline, said two students at High Tech High "decided to subject Obama's recently-released 'long-form' birth certificate to the sort of typographic scrutiny given to the so-called 'Killian documents' that ultimately led to the resignation/retirement of CBS reporter Dan Rather."

The article quotes one of the students saying: "Remember how the right-wing wackos went nuts in 2004 over those documents that showed how Bush was basically AWOL from the Texas National Guard in the '70s?"

The other student explains that, in their investigation, they "tried to think like the nutjobs."

The two students, the article says, found a death certificate for a baby born on the day of Obama's birth who died one day later. They discovered that there was no corresponding birth certificate and began raising other questions about the authenticity of the White House document, but, "By then, we were too depressed to dig any deeper."

Many document experts, in fact, have challenged the validity of the Obama birth record posted by the White House. And some critics say the document's listing of Barack Obama Sr. as the father proves President Obama is not eligible, arguing a "natural born Citizen" is the offspring of two citizen parents.

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