I don't want to hear any more excuses... Just provide us with the the long form birth certificate and lets move to the important business of cutting 6.9 trillion from this governments budget.. Mr President Please show us your records.. Let's disprove Donald Trump and all of those crazy birthers. Your are first Black president lets show the office the respect that it deserves and put an end to all of this crazy talk...
Mr President show us the long form birth certificate that John McCain was asked to provide since he was born out of the country on a military base.
If you don't provide it, then we must ask WHY?? If you were on the other side, of this would you want to see documentation about your opponent, if there was some question? Sure you would and you have... Your campaign asked to see Alan Keys birth certificate back in Illinois.. Remember Sir...
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
President Barack Obama in the Oval Office April 4, 2011
President Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, has joined other celebrities apparently on a tour of talk shows endorsing the belief that Obama is eligible to be president of the United States, even though suspicions about a foreign birth have not been disproved, because his original long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate and other documents remain concealed.
Some also argue from a constitutional standpoint that since Obama's father was a Kenyan national, Obama was not a "natural born Citizen" as the U.S. Constitution requires for presidents, irrespective of birth location.
Be the first to get the new eligibility book signed by Jerome Corsi and help get TV commercials on the air to bust this issue wide open!
Soetoro responded to questions about her brother's eligibility and his newly announced campaign to stay in office for another four years.
"I think it's unfortunate," she told Morgan when asked about the controversy.
"He was born in Hawaii. There is a tremendous amount of proof that has already been presented," she said.
"The then-Republican governor and head of the Department of Health in Hawaii even attested to the fact that the birth certificate that they inspected was in fact valid," she continued. "It's in the newspapers on the day of his birth. So I think that it is time for people to put that to bed, put it to rest completely and focus on what they can do to help, to build.
"I love that part of his inaugural speech. That we are measured by the things that we build rather than what we tear down or endeavor to destroy," she said.
Asked about eligibility questions raised by possible GOP presidential contender Donald Trump, she said, "I think it's a shame.
"I think my brother should definitely be president for a second term. That's really all I have to say about it," she said, giggling.
Her arguments, however, lacked detail. She cited the evidence that has been presented, but nothing the president has chosen to release proves he was born in Hawaii.
* His online Certification of Live Birth is a document that has been obtained for babies not born in Hawaii, because the state's loose laws required only a declaration by a family member or witness in the case of unattended births.
* The newspaper notices of birth that she cited, several days after the birth, were generated automatically by the state health department and were given to the newspapers, which did not independently check them. The notice would have been generated by the system should someone have registered Barack Obama's birth in Hawaii, whether he was born there or not.
* The president has declined – and has fought in court – efforts to obtain access to his college records, Punahou records, records as an Illinois state lawmaker, college application and financial aid information records, other college records, adoption records and others.
* Little information has been revealed about his travels, including his time spent in Pakistan.
* Even the marriage and divorce records for his mother have not been released.
Also, while state officials earlier confirmed that birth records for Obama existed "in accordance" with state law, the references could have been to the short-form Certification of Live Birth.
WND previously reported that Chiyome Fukino, the former head of the Hawaii Department of Health, also has been on the talk circuit promoting Obama's eligibility.
She recently told MSNBC that the short-form "Certification of Live Birth" displayed by Obama's campaign is the only document the state releases.
However, the experiences of others who have received copies of original long-form birth certificates by request contradict her claim.
It was in an interview with MSNBC that Fukino asserted that the state issues only short-form Certifications of Live Birth.
"What he got, everybody got," Fukino said in the interview. "He put out exactly what everybody gets when they ask for a birth certificate."
Joshua Wisch of the Hawaii attorney general's office went further, telling MSNBC the original document belongs to the state and cannot be released to anyone – or copied by anyone.
"It's a Department of Health record and it can't be released to anybody," he told MSNBC, saying there are no provisions that authorize copying such records.
The short-form document that Obama's campaign released in 2008:
But the document, which contains no information regarding birth hospital, attendant, doctor or other details found on all original long-form birth certificates, contrasts with the birth certificate from Hawaii made public by Susan Nordyke, who was born in Honolulu Aug. 5, 1961, just one day after Obama's reported date of birth and in the same hospital where he was reportedly born.
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