The question the talking heads should be demanding a answer to is, Why... Why Mr President did you ever have to social security numbers??? I am sure there's a simple reason.. \
The next question is which one are you using now?? Which one did you use to file you papers with to run for office.. More over when he pumped gas that summer when he was 17 which number did he use?? When he scooped at Baskin Robbins which number did he use.. Why did he change numbers?? When did he change numbers?? Why did he have or need 2 numbers???
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Bill O'Reilly
In an attempt to explain why Barack Obama, who lived in Hawaii as a teen, has a Social Security number that indicates he had a Connecticut address, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly asserted the president's father lived in the state.
But there is no evidence that Barack Obama Sr., who left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard in Massachusetts and then returned to his home country of Kenya, ever lived in Connecticut.
The controversy over Obama's Social Security number traces back to a WND story May 11, 2010, reporting that two private investigators working independently were asking why Obama was using a number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
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The records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, when Obama was between 16 and 18 years old and living in Hawaii.
In his viewer email segment Wednesday night, O'Reilly was asked: "What about Obama's Connecticut Social Security card? He never lived there."
O'Reilly responded: "Obama's father lived in Connecticut for several years, and sometimes the child gets the Social Security number based on the father's address."
The Social Security website confirms that the first three digits in Obama's Social Security number are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.
Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by one central office, and the first three digits of a person's Social Security number have been determined by the Zip code of the mailing address on the application.
an article written by Shurei Hirozawa in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin Sept. 19, 1959, that establishes when Barack Obama Sr. arrived in the islands to begin his studies at the University of Hawaii. The university registrar's office has confirmed that the fall 1959 term for which Obama Sr. was registered began Sept. 21, 1959.
WND also reported on two separate articles published in June 1962, in the Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, in which Obama Sr. stated he was leaving that month to travel to Cambridge, Mass., to begin graduate studies.
Had Barack Obama Sr. attended Yale, he might have lived in New Haven, Conn., some 90 miles south of Boston, but there is no record Obama Sr. ever attended any classes at Yale.
In September 1962, Obama Sr. entered Harvard to pursue a Ph.D. in economics. Before completing the requirements to obtain the degree, however, he returned to Kenya.
Even though the precise date of his return to Kenya is not known, he wrote a paper published in 1965 in the East African Journal that indicated he was working as an economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Economic Planning.
The paper, "Problems Facing Our Socialism," can be read on the Internet as originally published, beginning on page 26 of the July 1965 edition of the East African Journal.
In establishing credentials for Barack Obama Sr., the East African Journal noted:
Barack H. Obama read his economics at Harvard University. He is currently in Nairobi working for his doctorate. His dissertation is on "An econometric model of the staple theory of development." His is one of the critiques picked among the many received by the Journal office of the Kenya's Sessional Paper No. 10, on African Socialism.
Social Security Administration procedures in place in the late 1970s required an applicant to fill out a Social Security application currently identified as Form SS-5.
While the application for a Social Security number lists the address from which the person is applying, no information is required about the applicant's parents.
President Obama continues to withhold from public scrutiny his Social Security application.
The assertion that Obama is using a Social Security number issued to an applicant with a Connecticut address because his father lived in Connecticut can be traced back to a piece Carol Bengle Gilbert posted on the Yahoo blog "Associated Content."
In that piece, Gilbert claimed, without providing any documentation, that Barack Obama Sr. lived in Connecticut after divorcing Obama's mother.
"In fact Barack Obama's dad attended college in Connecticut and in 1977, Obama was college aged; is it beyond reason to consider he might have checked out his father's alma mater?" Gilbert wrote.
The story Obama told in his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," was that he saw his father only once after he left Hawaii to study at Harvard, during a return visit to Hawaii in 1971.
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