An attorney who has aggressively pursued the release of President Obama's Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate filed a complaint in federal court yesterday to force the release of Obama's Social Security files.
"I'm not asking for Obama's Social Security number," Attorney Orly Taitz told WND, acknowledging that the Social Security Administration will not release the number of a living person. "I want related information, including information about deceased individuals that will help us prove whether or not Obama has committed Social Security fraud."
Taitz filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to force the Social Security Administration to respond to her Freedom of Information Act request seeking information on Obama's Social Security number.
At the heart of Taitz's complaint to the court is the suspicion that Obama has engaged in Social Security fraud by using a number initially issued to another person.
Taitz contends the Social Security number Obama has used the most often since around 1980 was, according to Lexis Nexis and Choice Point, initially assigned to an elderly individual born in 1890 who resided in Connecticut.
In her complaint, Taitz claims that Obama is linked in national databases to some 39 different Social Security numbers, including one allegedly issued in1976 or 1977 to a person born in 1890 who was living in Connecticut at the time of the Social Security application.
"In and around 1976-1977 due to new Social Security requirements multiple elderly individuals, particularly women, who were housewives and never worked before, applied to obtain Social Security Benefits," Taitz explained in her complaint.
"Therefore the date of birth of 1890 originally connected to [Obama's Social Security number] was consistent with many other examples of elderly individuals, born between 1890-1915, applying for Social Security cards for the first time between 1976-1977."
This is Taitz's second FOIA request to the Social Security Administration, seeking to obtain Obama's Social Security records. An earlier request was denied May 18, 2010, on privacy grounds.
The D.C. court denied Taitz's appeal to the previous FOIA filing on the grounds that the appeal was filed prior to the final determination by the Social Security Administration.
On Oct. 4, 2010, Taitz filed a second FOIA request with the Social Security Administration, refining her request in an attempt to avoid the privacy concerns that determined the agency's previous denial.
So far, the Social Security Administration has not responded to Taitz's second FOIA request, despite six certified letters she has sent the agency since Oct. 4, 2010.
To buttress her arguments, Taitz submitted to the federal court affidavits signed by private investigators Susan Daniels and John Sampson.
Both Daniels and Sampson state that in the 1980s, Obama assumed as his own a Social Security number that had been applied for in Connecticut and was issued by the Social Security Administration between the years 1976 and 1977.
Sampson, a retired senior investigator with the Department of Homeland Security, provided in his affidavit an expert opinion that there is no reasonable explanation for a person residing in Hawaii to get a Social Security number issued in Connecticut.
"The affidavits of the private investigators indicates Obama is using a fraudulent Social Security number," she said, "so I am requesting information from the Social Security Administration that would help us track down the Connecticut-issued number Obama is using as well as the multiple Social Security numbers that show up for Obama in the private investigator databases."
Daniels, in a previous interview with WND, said the Social Security Administration never re-issues Social Security numbers.
"A person who wants to hide their true identity often picks up the Social Security number of a deceased person, thinking that nobody would ever look into it," Daniels said. "I think it was sometime in the 1980s that Obama decided to hide who he really is."
The Social Security website confirms the first three digits in Obama's Social Security number are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.
WND previously reported that Obama worked as a teenager in Hawaii at a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store in the Makiki neighborhood on Oahu, which USA Today documented still was in operation one year after Obama's inauguration.
A current photograph of the Baskin-Robbins can be seen on the website "Obama's Hawaii Neighborhood."
WND can find no record of any Social Security number Obama used working at the Baskin-Robbins.
Politifact.com, a website typically supportive of Obama, claims he worked at the Baskin-Robbins in 1975 or 1976, prior to the issuance of the Connecticut Social Security number he is currently using.
There is nothing in the public record that would document Obama ever lived in or even visited Connecticut during his high school years.
There also is no indication in the limited background documentation released by the Obama 2008 presidential campaign or by the White House to establish that Obama ever lived in Connecticut.
Nor is there any suggestion in Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," that he ever had a Connecticut address.
Also, nothing can be found in the public record that indicates the president visited Connecticut during his high school years.
Barack Obama Sr. lived in Hawaii from 1959 until June 1962, when he moved to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University; nothing can be found in the public record that indicates Barack Obama Sr. ever had a Connecticut address.
WND has further confirmed that the Social Security number in question links to Obama in the online records maintained by the Selective Service system. Inserting the Social Security number Obama is currently using, his birth date and his last name produced a valid Selective Service number identified with Obama.
Here is a screen capture that shows the Selective Service cross-verification of the Social Security Number that President Obama is currently using:
WND has reported that the Social Security Administration has decided to randomize all future Social Security numbers issued, beginning on or about June 25, 2011, in a move that will eliminate state-specific assignment of the Social Security numbers..
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