Have you ever wondered how many people in the streets it takes, before you can ask the government of a foreign nation to step down?? The reason I ask is a very simple one . We are asking the Government of Egypt to step down and hold new elections based on the number of people in the streets demanding change. These folks number about 100,000 strong. They are funded and staged by the Muslim Brotherhood.. Now that amounts to about 1/10th of percent of Egypt 80 million in population.
The Us Government is demanding change on the amount of foreign aid we give Egypt.
Now be careful what you wish for Obama Administration. What might happen if a 100,000 unemployed disenchanted young black men in Detroit,or Pittsburgh or even Washington Dc hit the streets this summer demanding change.. The toss some rocks and turn over some cars and demand a new elections..??
Would the Chinese government be in a position to demand new elections now?? Based a pone the amount of US dept they hold??
What would have happened if the Tea Party rallies turned really ugly and a few cars got over turned and they burned a few pictures of Obama and tossed rocks at police??
Would the world been right to ask for new elections in the USA???
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