Friday, September 10, 2010

Quran burning: 'Stunt' became 'crisis' when Obama attacked Florida pastor's idea used 'to show that Christians are deranged'

By Brian Fitzpatrick
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Senior writer Robert Knight of Coral Ridge Ministries placed at least part of the blame on the media, which has cited Jones over and over, even though he has no influence within the Christian community and does not represent mainstream Christians.

Knight said, "The media have made this a big issue as a way to show that Christians are deranged."

In a press statement, Florida-based Coral Ridge Ministries denounced the Quran burning as "a wrong-headed and foolish initiative" and urged Jones to cancel his plans.

Knight told WND, "Our approach is don't burn the Quran, read it. And then read the Gospels. The contrast couldn't be sharper between the warlike passages in the Quran and Jesus Christ's unfailing love and self sacrifice."

Knight continued, "We hope Pastor Jones decides not to carry out his plan because it's an unnecessary provocation, but what would be a more positive contribution would be more exposure of the Quran itself, since many Americans are still deluded into thinking Islam is a religion of peace."

Barber also condemned the idea of burning a Quran.

"This is America, [Jones] absolutely has a right to freedom of expression and free of speech. Courts have held over the years that this type of activity is speech. But just because he has the right to do it does not mean he should do it."

Barber expressed concern about the possible consequences of burning Qurans.

"People could die over this. His actions could lead to physical violence and retaliation from radical jihadists from around the world, and he would be morally culpable," he said.

Jones, pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., has told reporters he gave up his plans to burn the Qurans after he was promised by a Florida imam that the Ground Zero mosque in Manhattan would be moved to a new location.

Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, however, said he has agreed only to fly to New York with Jones to speak with Feisal Abdul Rauf, leader of the Ground Zero mosque project.

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