Ever have a great question to ask the president or his spokesmen? Ever been frustrated watching White House press conferences because reporters don't ask the right questions? Now's your chance to participate. We will Post your tough questions for the White House once a week! Who knows? Your question may be asked at the next White House press briefing. Now's your chance ! Ask President Zero, someone from The White House has been visiting this site! Twice a day for the last 6 weeks!
E-mail us your questions at Presidentzero.0@gmail.com
Mr President
When did you change your name from Barry? Why did you change your Name ? How long did you spend In Muslim schools ? Why did you become a follower of Christ ? Is Jesus your one and only savior ?
Since you went to school with Muslims, what is their view of Christians? What is Black Liberation Theology and why did you attend a church where it was preached?
Dear Sir
Why do you send our troops overseas to defend other countries borders and rights, when our own border is under siege from Mexican drug lords? Why are we not defending our citizens and their rights in border states like Ca.,Az, Tx, Fl... I do not understand the end game or where we are headed as a nation. Would you please take the time to lay out your border policy. Please tell me why I as a citizen of the United States Of America living in Az, We are being sued by your justice department ?
Mr. Obama
you claim you were born in Hawaii yet we see no proof. We want proof you are eligible to hold the office. Many People of Kenya say you were born there, including your Aunt?What are we to think ? If you knowingly holding the office with out proof of citizenship should you resign or be impeached ?
Mr Obama, We would like to trust you, but you have refused to present the very document that shows you were born in America? How can we know you even have the education you claim to have when you refuse to show the documents that will show you attended classes in the universities you say you attended? How can we trust you when every thing you have forced through congress is completely contrary to our the American values?
Mr. Obama, How can I call you my president, or respect you for occupying an office I do not know you are eligible to hold?
Dear Mr. President:
Scriptures of the Hebrews and Christians say that God "established the world by wisdom". At various points He exemplifies how people act in accord with wisdom or in contradiction to it. When people engage actions that either oppose or contradict clearly stated wisdom tenets, no desirable result comes of it. The evidence is that He will not assist by energizing the powers needed to bring unwise actions to a desirable conclusion.
Your agenda's stated plans and methodology of your compatriots, used to gain enactment, contradict what God says is wise.
What I want to know is: If God says something is wise but your agenda and methodology is in absolute contradiction to wisdom, by what power or authority do you intend or expect it to succeed?
If you are a Christian as you claim, then please explain your lack of support for Israel and your denial of the fact that God gave the Land to the Jews. I don't know any true Christians (not in name only) who do not support Israel's right to the Land, all of it and more than they currently have. Please explain why you believe dividing the Land will bring peace. If you knew your Bible you would know that it will not bring peace - it will bring the judgment of God. Also, please explain why you don't celebrate Christian holidays, but do celebrate Islamic holy days? Going to church does not make a Christian - belief in the God of Israel, who is not at all like Allah, is the true mark of a Christian. Contrary to your remarks in Cairo, Jesus Christ and Mohammad are not of the same belief system Sir.
Mr President
It was reported on CNBC recently that people making over $250,000 per year account for 40% of the consumer spending in the US. If your goal is to strengthen the economy why would you punish this group by raising their taxes when the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year?
Mr. President,
One of the reasons you were elected was your belief in, transparent government. How do you justify the continued research and DOD funding of, mind control experimentation and non-lethal weapons testing on selected Americans?
Hundreds of Americans have complained of electronic torture. Instead of conducting an investigation, The victims of this Human Rights Violation are vilified and called mentally ill.
How do you justify human experimentation?
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