Friday, June 11, 2010

Michael Savage: Obama may be foreign 'usurper' Radio host decries 'extreme dangers' of president with 'dual allegian

By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Savage stated that Obama's dual allegiances lie both "partly in the Muslim world" and "partly, perhaps, in the American world."

Savage also expressed concern that, as many constitutional analysts believe, a child born in the U.S. to a parent of a foreign citizen – as Obama claims he was – may be "native born" but does not fit the Constitution's requirement that a president be "natural born."

"You're telling me that someone in the government somewhere at the top of the military intelligence complex hasn't thought that, maybe, 'Wait a minute, this man is not even eligible under the U.S. Constitution to be [president]'?" Savage asked. "His father was not even a U.S. citizen. His father was a British subject at the time of Obama's birth. Therefore Obama was not and is not legal to be [president]."

Specifically, Section 1 of Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution states, "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president."

A recent Washington Post/ABC poll reveals that tens of millions of Americans doubt Obama's eligibility.

The question of Obama's eligibility has only been exacerbated by the sitting president's refusal to make public his long-form birth certificate.

Besides Obama's actual birth documentation, the still-concealed documentation for him also includes kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.

"Where's The Birth Certificate?" billboard helps light up the night at the Mandalay Bay resort on the Las Vegas Strip.

Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

The campaign followed a petition that has collected more than 500,000 signatures demanding proof of his eligibility, the availability of yard signs raising the question and the production of permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers asking the question.

A new effort now asks those in authority regarding the nation's elections to demand the full proof.

The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

Your donation – from as little as $5 to as much as $1,000 – can be made online at the WND SuperStore. (Donations are not tax-deductible. Donations of amounts greater than $1,000 can be arranged by calling either 541-474-1776 or 1-800-4WND.COM. If you would prefer to mail in your contributions, they should be directed to WND, P.O. Box 1627, Medford, Oregon, 97501. Be sure to specify the purpose of the donation by writing "billboard" on the check. In addition, donations of billboard space will be accepted, as will significant contributions specifically targeted for geographic locations.)

If you are a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah about this campaign, e-mail WND.

Related offers:

There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.

See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential eligibility mystery!

Join the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and postcards asking for the president's birth certificate documentation from the Birth Certificate Store!

Send a contribution to support the national billboard campaign that asks the simple question, "Where's the birth certificate?"

Get your yard signs and rally signs that ask the same question – and make sure it's in time for the next tea party rally

Get your permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers for your car, truck or file cabinet – and join the campaign for constitutional integrity.

Get the most comprehensive special report ever produced on the Obama eligibility issue.

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